Reunification Therapy

Reunification Therapy

Dealing with parent-child contact challenges after a separation or divorce? Therapist Donna Quach of Burbank, providing online services to California, provides reunification therapy to help work through these challenges.

Quick Guide to Reunification Therapy

It’s no secret that divorce can be hard on the parents and the children. And while most people expect some challenges, it sometimes creates ones that are unintended, unexpected, and hard to navigate. For example, it’s not uncommon for children to become alienated from one of their parents. Below, therapist Donna Quach of Burbank, CA, shares some of the various ways this can occur and how reunification therapy can help.

Children and Divorce

Divorce often leads to confusion and pain in children. However, when the parents can work together – or through the help of the court system – routines and visitation can be set in place to make the transition a bit smoother.

Unfortunately, there are times when a child decides – either consciously or subconsciously – that they want nothing to do with one parent. This can be due to feelings of abandonment, previous interactions with that parent such as abuse or witnessing abuse, emotional manipulation, and more. If the parent is in a new relationship, the child might feel betrayed.

There are also times when one parent chooses not to be a part of the child’s life for one reason or another. And sometimes, the child feels as though being close to the alienated parent is disloyal to the parent they view as the victim in the situation.

As you can see, there can be several reasons that children might lack a connection with one of the divorced parents. However, a reunification specialist can help.

Therapy for Disconnected Parent-Child Relationships

It’s important that the child’s feelings and reactions not be discounted. There is a reason they feel the way they do and – even if their thoughts are distorted – forcing the child to have a relationship can worsen the situation.

A reunification therapist can help encourage and build a healthy relationship progressively and without making the child uncomfortable. In some cases, that means beginning the reunification process without physical contact, such as writing letters. Later, contact can be made on neutral ground through a simple activity. Over time, it can be increased.

The process should be developed and carried out according to the needs and comfort level of the participants. Additionally, it can be beneficial for both the child and the parents to receive individual counseling to work through their feelings and personal struggles independently.

Wondering if reunification therapy can help your family? Contact Donna Quach of Burbank, CA, at (818) 588-7141 to discuss the process or schedule an online or in-person session.

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